Our Ethics
- We do not Charge any fees from Any candidates.
- We do not pay any fees to our Trainers
- We do not change any money from the companies where our candidates are placed
Our Approach
Selection Process
Eligibility Criteria
1. Engineering & BSc. Graduate
2. Aptitude Test
3. Aptitude test with difficulty level of any IT company for Trainee Hires
Interviews: L1 and L2 Interviews by Industry Experts
Training Process
- Industry Experts as Trainers
- ONLY In Person Classroom Training
- No Virtual training is allowed
- Fixed Schedule
- Daily fixed schedule per batch
- All Server Accesses
- Access to all required servers is given on Day1
- Daily Vivas
- Every day the Viva is conducted on the tough topics
- Real Life Assignments
- Guidance and Practice on Interviews
Job Assistance
- Guidance Interview Process
- Mock Technical Interviews
- Soft Skill Training
- Mock Interviews on HR Interviews
Our Partners

Building a Better Future
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